
Strategic Environmental Management

By - Wever, Grace,
ISBN 10 - 047114746X
ISBN 13 - 9780471147466
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 17
common.call_no - 658.408 WEV
common.physical_description - xviii, 299 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm + 1 computer disc (3 1/2 in.).
Notes - Include index.
Book Information
Strategic Environmental Management is the first book of its kind that actually shows you how to make TQEM work in your company. It provides the information, tools, and expert guidance you need to plan, implement, and successfully manage a TQEM program. You will also learn the benefits of fully integrating environmental management into your organization's overall business plan, and how to sell these benefits to top management. Dr. Grace Wever first lays the necessary conceptual groundwork with an in-depth discussion of EHS management as seen from the Baldrige, Deming, and ISO 14001 frameworks. She then arms you with a full complement of proven-in-the-trenches TQEM tools and techniques.

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