
The Internet for Windows 95 Made Simple

By - McBride, P. K.
ISBN 10 - 075063846X
ISBN 13 - 9780750638463
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Internet
Shelf No - 7
common.call_no - 004.678 MCB 1997
common.edition - 2nd ed
common.physical_description - x, 181 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
Revised and expanded second edition of this best selling introduction to the Internet under Windows 95. NEW to this edition: more information on searching the Web; NEW section on creating your own Web pages using HTML; All Web site links updated. If you want to know how to: * set up hardware and software to get on-line * explore the World Wide Web * send e-mail and read the news groups * download files from around the world.

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