Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 13
Because Internet
because internet, floor 1 mcculloch, gretchen new york : riverhead books, 2019. language and the internet.
Shelf No : 7
Internet Research
internet research, floor 1 barker donald south-western ; cengage learning [distributor], mason, ohio, andover, 2010 internet searching,computer network resources
Shelf No : 18
Business-to-business Internet Marketing: five proven strategies for increasing profits through Internet direct marketing
business-to-business internet marketing: five proven strategies for increasing profits through internet direct marketing, floor 2 silverstein, barry gulf breeze, fl : maximum press, c1999. internet marketing.
Shelf No : 13
 Children, risk and safety on the internet : research and policy challenges in comparative perspective  /  edited by Sonia M. Livingstone
children, risk and safety on the internet : research and policy challenges in comparative perspective / edited by sonia m. livingstone, floor 2 bristol : policy press, 2012 internet and children
Shelf No : 19
How to Master Online Learning
how to master online learning, floor 1 peterson's lawrenceville, nj : peterson's, 2010. distance education--computer network resources. internet in higher education.
Shelf No : 7
Moving to the cloud
moving to the cloud, floor 1 sitaram, dinkar. waltham, ma : syngress, c2012. cloud computing. internet programming.
Shelf No : 7
Internet core protocols : the definitive guide
internet core protocols : the definitive guide, floor 1 hall, eric a. beijing ; cambridge, mass. : o'reilly, 2000. internet.
Shelf No : 7
Internet technologies and information services
internet technologies and information services, floor 1 miller, joseph b., 1952- westport, conn. : libraries unlimited, 2009. libraries--information technology.,libraries and the internet.
Shelf No : 20
Continuing to Engage the Online Learner
continuing to engage the online learner, floor 1 conrad, rita-marie. san francisco, ca : jossey-bass, a wiley imprint [2012] internet in education. computer-assisted instruction.
Shelf No : 13
The Internet and the Mass Media
the internet and the mass media, floor 1 küng lucy [ed] los angeles ; london : sage, 2008. internet. digital media.
Shelf No : 13
The Networked Library
the networked library, floor 1 purcell, melissa a. santa barbara, california : linworth, an imprint of abc-clio, llc, [2012] internet in school libraries.
Shelf No : 20
The World Is Open: how Web technology is revolutionizing education
the world is open: how web technology is revolutionizing education, floor 1 bonk, curtis jay. san francisco, calif. : jossey-bass, c2009. internet in education.
Shelf No : 8
Programming the Web Using ASP.Net
programming the web using asp.net , floor 1 mercer, dave, boston : mcgraw-hill technology education, c2004. active server pages. microsoft .net framework. web site development. internet programming.
Shelf No : 9
 Cyber security essentials
cyber security essentials, floor 1 auerbach publications, boca raton, fl, ©2011 computers internet security
Shelf No : 7
New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive
new perspectives on the internet: comprehensive, floor 1 schneider, gary p boston, ma : course technology/cengage learning, c2010 world wide web. internet.
Shelf No : 7
Learning the Virtual Life
learning the virtual life, floor 1 peter pericles trifonas. new york ; london : routledge, 2012. internet in education.
Shelf No : 7
Adventures on the Internet
adventures on the internet, floor 1 busché, don. danvers, mass. : boyd & fraser pub. co., c1996. internet.
Shelf No : 20
E-learning : concepts and practice
e-learning : concepts and practice , floor 1 holmes, bryn. london ; thousand oaks, calif. : sage publications, 2006. computer-assisted instruction.,internet in education.
Shelf No : 7
A guide to conducting online research
a guide to conducting online research , floor 1 gaiser, ted j. los angeles : sage, 2009. internet research.,research--methodology.
Shelf No : 13
New media in the information society
new media in the information society , floor 1 pretoria : van schaik, c2012. information society.,internet addiction.,mass media--information technology.
Shelf No : 18
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
jab, jab, jab, right hook, floor 2 vaynerchuk, gary. new york, ny : harper business, an imprint of harpercollins publishers, [2013] internet marketing. marketing--social aspects. social media.
Shelf No : 7
Internet for everyone
internet for everyone, floor 1 leon, alexis. new delhi : leon techworld, 1998. internet.
Shelf No : 9
Neal-Schuman Internet Policy Handbook for Libraries
neal-schuman internet policy handbook for libraries, floor 1 smith, mark, new york : neal-schuman, c1999. internet access for library users--united states.
Shelf No : 1
Starting and operating live virtual reference services : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians
starting and operating live virtual reference services : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians, ground floor meola, marc, 1968- new york : neal-schuman publishers, c2002. internet in library reference services.,electronic reference services (libraries)
Shelf No : 18
e-marketing, floor 2 strauss, judy,frost, raymond prentice hall, upper saddle river, ©2003 internet marketing
Shelf No : 13
Consent of the Networked
consent of the networked, floor 1 mackinnon, rebecca basic books, new york, 2013 internet--social aspects
Shelf No : 13
Netiquette and online ethics
netiquette and online ethics, floor 1 berlatsky, noah greenhaven press, detroit, ©2013 internet--moral and ethical aspects
Shelf No : 8
An Introduction to Network Programming with Java
an introduction to network programming with java, floor 1 graba, jan pearson/addison wesley, harlow, england, 2003 internet programming
Shelf No : 17
Internet Marketing
internet marketing, floor 2 chaffey, dave, financial times prentice hall, harlow, england, 2000 internet marketing
Shelf No : 18
Cyberlaw: national and international perspectives
cyberlaw: national and international perspectives, floor 1 girasa, rosario j. upper saddle river, n.j. : prentice hall, c2002. internet--law and legislation--united states.
Shelf No : 7
The Internet for Windows 95 Made Simple
the internet for windows 95 made simple, floor 1 mcbride, p. k. made simple, oxford, 1997 internet
Shelf No : 18
hand book on, floor 1 siri board consultants and engineers west publishing co., st. paul, minn., 1908 er internet book full text faclaw law
Shelf No : 13
next, floor 1 lewis, michael norton, new york, ©2001 internet--social aspects
Shelf No : 7
The Internet for dummies
the internet for dummies, floor 1 levine, john r.,baroudi, carol,young, margaret levine idg books worldwide, foster city, ca, ©1998 internet
Shelf No : 7
Mastering Digital Research
mastering digital research, floor 1 tensen, bonnie l. nelson education, toronto, 2010 internet research
Shelf No : 7
New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive
new perspectives on the internet: comprehensive, floor 1 schneider, gary p,evans, jessica course technology/cengage learning, boston, ma, ©2013 internet
Shelf No : 13
From Glasnost to the Internet
from glasnost to the internet, floor 1 ellis, frank palgrave macmillan limited, london, 2016 internet russia
Shelf No : 7
Sams' Teach Yourself the Internet Starter Kit in 24 Hours
sams' teach yourself the internet starter kit in 24 hours, floor 1 snell, ned sams pub., indianapolis, ind., ©1998 internet
Shelf No : 18
Building the Virtual State
building the virtual state, floor 1 fountain, jane e. brookings institution press, washington, d.c., ©2001 internet
Shelf No : 13
The Dumbest Generation
the dumbest generation, floor 1 bauerlein, mark jeremy p. tarcher/penguin, new york, ny, 2009 internet social aspects united states
Shelf No : 9
The Internet
the internet, floor 1 kennedy angus j. rough guides, london, 1999 internet,world wide web
Shelf No : 9
Linux Security Cookbook
linux security cookbook, floor 1 barrett daniel j.,byrnes robert g.,silverman richard e. o'reilly, sebastopol, ca, 2003 computers internet security
Shelf No : 1
Discover the World Wide Web with Your Sportster
discover the world wide web with your sportster, ground floor u.s. robotics sams net, indianapolis, ind., ©1996 internet
Shelf No : 7
The Internet Complete Reference
the internet complete reference, floor 1 hahn, harley mcgraw-hill, osborne, ©1994 internet
Shelf No : 4
Hidden Agendas
hidden agendas, floor 3 clancy, tom headline feature, london, 1999 internet fiction
Shelf No : 17
Search Marketing Strategies
search marketing strategies, floor 2 colborn james elsevier butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 2006 business & economics e-commerce internet
Shelf No : 20
The Whole Internet
the whole internet, floor 1 ed krol o'reilly & associates, sebastopol, calif., ©1992 internet
Shelf No : 7
Computer Networks and Internets
computer networks and internets, floor 1 comer, douglas,vidal romero elizondo prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1997 internetworking (telecommunication)
Shelf No : 1
ripped, floor 3 kot, greg scribner, new york, 2010 music and the internet
Shelf No : 7
101 essential tips using the internet
101 essential tips using the internet, floor 1 lewis, chris dorling kindersley, london, ©1997 internet (computer network)
Shelf No : 8
Microsoft: Internet Explorer 4.0
microsoft: internet explorer 4.0, floor 1 o'leary, timothy j,o'leary, linda i. irwin/mcgraw-hill, boston, ©1999 microsoft internet explorer
Shelf No : 7
Using the Internet in Easy Steps.compact
using the internet in easy steps.compact, floor 1 brian austin computer step, southam, 2000 internet
Shelf No : 2
Literature in the Digital Age
literature in the digital age, floor 3 adam hammond cambridge university press, new york, 2016 literature and the internet
Shelf No : 7
internet, floor 1 craig, tom (thomas) smart apple media, north mankato, minn., ©2004 internet
Shelf No : 7
Internet Routing Architectures
internet routing architectures, floor 1 halabi, bassam cisco press : new riders pub., indianapolis, in, ©1997 internet
Shelf No : 1
Cisco networking academy program : first-year companion guide
cisco networking academy program : first-year companion guide, ground floor vito amato, cisco press, indianapolis, 2000 computer networks handbooks, manuals, etc internetworking (telecommunication) handbooks, manuals, etc osi (computer network standard)
Shelf No : 7
Voice Over IP
voice over ip, floor 1 black, uyless d prentice hall ptr, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2000 internet telephony
Shelf No : 13
MySpace OurPlanet
myspace ourplanet, floor 2 anderson, tom new york : collins, 2008. myspace.com.,internet and environmentalism.,alternative lifestyles.
Shelf No : 13
Living at Light Speed
living at light speed, floor 1 goodman, danny random house, new york, ©1994 internet
Shelf No : 17
Emarketing excellence : the heart of ebusiness
emarketing excellence : the heart of ebusiness, floor 2 smith, p. r. elsevier butterworth-heinemann, oxford, 2005 internet marketing
Shelf No : 18
Social Media Marketing
social media marketing, floor 2 tuten, tracy l. pearson, boston, ©2013 internet marketing
Shelf No : 7
Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours
sams teach yourself to create web pages in 24 hours, floor 1 snell ned sams, indiana, 1999 internet
Shelf No : 20
Telelearning Via the Internet
telelearning via the internet, floor 1 kouki, rafa, 1973,wright, david, 1947- idea group pub., hershey, pa., ©1999 internet in education
Shelf No : 7
 The Internet for dummies
the internet for dummies, floor 1 levine, john r. wiley pub., hoboken, nj, ©2005 internet
Shelf No : 9
Little quick fix : gather your data online
little quick fix : gather your data online, floor 1 salmons, janet sage, los angeles, 2019 internet research
Shelf No : 13
Virtual States: the Internet and the boundaries of the nation state
virtual states: the internet and the boundaries of the nation state, floor 1 everard, jerry routledge, london, ©2000 information society--political aspects,internet political aspects
Shelf No : 9
Internet Security
internet security, floor 1 yomtov, nel children's press, an imprint of scholastic inc., new york, ny, 2016 internet--security measures
Shelf No : 7
Where Wizards Stay Up Late
where wizards stay up late, floor 1 hafner, katie,lyon, matthew touchstone, new york, 2003 internet
Shelf No : 8
Microsoft Internet information server training kit.
microsoft internet information server training kit., floor 1 microsoft corporation microsoft press, redmond, wash., ©1998 microsoft internet explorer
Shelf No : 18
Internet Marketing
internet marketing, floor 2 chaffey, dave financial times prentice hall, harlow, 2009 internet marketing
Shelf No : 18
Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice
digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice, floor 2 chaffey, dave;,ellis-chadwick, fiona pearson, harlow, ©2012 internet marketing --strategic planning,telemarketing
Shelf No : 18
Managing E-commerce in Business
managing e-commerce in business, floor 2 juta, cape town, south africa, 2008 electronic commerce,internet advertising
Shelf No : 9
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook
the extreme searcher's internet handbook, floor 1 randolph hock cyberage books, medford, n.j., ©2010 internet searching
Shelf No : 8
odyssey, floor 3 barlow, steve,skidmore, steve scholastic, london, 2002 internet,computer networks
Shelf No : 18
Principles for Internet Marketing: new tools and methods for Web developers
principles for internet marketing: new tools and methods for web developers, floor 2 miletsky, jason i. course technology/cengage learning, boston, ©2010 web site development,internet marketing
Shelf No : 8
Internet & World Wide Web
internet & world wide web, floor 1 deitel, harvey m,deitel, paul j,nieto, t. r prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2002 internet programming,world wide web
Shelf No : 18
Optimizing AdWords
optimizing adwords, floor 2 miller, page w. routledge, taylor & francis group, new york, ny, 2016 internet advertising,internet marketing
Shelf No : 8
Internet and World Wide Web: how to program
internet and world wide web: how to program, floor 1 deitel, paul j;,deitel, harvey m.,nieto, t. r. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2000 internet programming
Shelf No : 13
Consent of the networked : the worldwide struggle for Internet freedom
consent of the networked : the worldwide struggle for internet freedom, floor 1 mackinnon, rebecca basic books, new york, ©2012 internet--social aspects
Shelf No : 6
The circle : a novel
the circle : a novel, floor 3 eggers, dave (1970- ) alfred a. knopf ; mcsweeney's books, toronto, san francisco, 2013 internet industry
Shelf No : 7
dns and bind, floor 1 albitz, paul 'reilly, sebastopol, ca, 2006 internet domain names
Shelf No : 7
Intronet : a beginner's guide to searching the Internet
intronet : a beginner's guide to searching the internet, floor 1 burke, john (john j.)" neal-schuman publishers, new york, ©1999 internet
Shelf No : 20
An Introduction to Internet Governance
an introduction to internet governance, floor 1 kurbalija, jovan diplo foundation, msida, malta, 2016 internet governance
Shelf No : 9
Internet Communication and Qualitative Research
internet communication and qualitative research, floor 1 mann, chris,stewart, fiona sage publications, london, 2000 internet
Shelf No : 9
Scaphoid Fractures : evidence-based management
scaphoid fractures : evidence-based management, floor 2 buijze, geert a;,jupiter, jesse b. elsevier, st. louis, missouri, 2018 internet resources
Shelf No : 9
Searching & researching on the Internet & the World Wide Web
searching & researching on the internet & the world wide web, floor 1 ackermann, ernest c.,hartman, karen franklin, beedle & associates, wilsonville, or, 1998 web search engines,internet searching
Shelf No : 7
tagging, floor 1 smith, gene new riders, berkeley, ca, ©2008 internet--social aspects,metadata
Shelf No : 13
rewire, floor 1 zuckerman, ethan w.w. norton & company, new york, 2013 social media,internet--social aspects
Shelf No : 4
Pirate Cinema
pirate cinema, floor 3 doctorow, cory macmillan internet,motion pictures--production and direction
Shelf No : 17
The Facebook Effect
the facebook effect, floor 1 kirkpatrick, david, simon & schuster, new york, 2010 internet industry
Shelf No : 13
Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life
superconnected: the internet, digital media, and techno-social life, floor 1 chayko, mary sage, los angeles, 2017 internet--social aspects
Shelf No : 8
Core Web programming
core web programming, floor 1 hall, marty, 1962-,brown, larry, 1963 sun microsystems press, palo alto, calif., ©2001 internet programming
Shelf No : 7
Internet Complete
internet complete, floor 1 by manish jain for bpb publication. sybex, san francisco, ©2000 internet
Shelf No : 17
Social Media Marketing
social media marketing, floor 2 gray, noah [noah gray publisher], middletown, de, 2018 internet advertising,nternet marketing
Shelf No : 18
Social Media Marketing For Dummies
social media marketing for dummies, floor 2 singh, shiv; wileym, hoboken, n.j., 2012 internet marketing
Shelf No : 8
dns and bind, floor 1 liu, cricket;,albitz, paul o'reilly, sebastopol, ca, ©2006 unix (computer file),internet domain names
Shelf No : 8
Java : How to program
java : how to program, floor 1 deitel, h.m,deitel, p.j prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©1998 internet programming
Shelf No : 8
Wireless Internet & mobile business : how to program
wireless internet & mobile business : how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m., 1945 prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2002 wireless internet
Shelf No : 18
 Contemporary advertising
contemporary advertising, floor 2 arens, william f mcgraw-hill, boston, mass., ©2006 internet advertising
Shelf No : 8
java, floor 1 deitel, harvey m,deitel, paul j pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2007 java (computer program language),internet programming
Shelf No : 8
 Real world web services
real world web services, floor 1 iverson, will o'reilly, sebastopol, ca, 2004 web services,computer : online services:internet
Shelf No : 6
marketing, floor 2 lancaster geoffrey; reynolds paul palgrave macmillan, basingstoke, hampshire, 2004 internet marketing
Shelf No : 9
The ABCs of the Internet
the abcs of the internet, floor 1 crumlish, christian sybex, san francisco, ©1997 internet
Shelf No : 8
 Internet and World Wide Web : how to program
internet and world wide web : how to program, floor 1 deitel, paul j,deitel, harvey m.,nieto, t. r. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2002 internet programming
Shelf No : 8
 Learn advanced JavaScript programming
learn advanced javascript programming, floor 1 shiran, yehuda,shiran, tomer wordware pub., plano, tex., ©1998 internet programming
Shelf No : 8
The physics of radiation therapy
the physics of radiation therapy, floor 2 khan, faiz m lippincott williams & wilkins, philadelphia, ©2003 bestralingstherapie fulltext health physics internet resources medical physics
Shelf No : 18
Internet marketing : readings and online resources
internet marketing : readings and online resources, floor 2 richardson, paul mcgraw-hill/irwin, new york, ©2001 internet marketing
Shelf No : 17
Internet and Business, 2001-2002
internet and business, 2001-2002, floor 2 robert w. price mcgraw-hill/dushkin, gilford, conn., ©2001 internet marketing,internet advertising
Shelf No : 9
Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with VB.NET 2003
beginning asp.net 1.1 with vb.net 2003, floor 1 chris ullman,ullman, chris; wiley pub., indianapolis, ind., ©2004 http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/classifydemo?search-subhead-txt=internet+programming,web servers--computer programs
Shelf No : 7
Mastering the Internet
mastering the internet, floor 1 william, buchanan macmillan, basingstoke, hampshire, 1997 internet
Shelf No : 7
The Internet for Dummies
the internet for dummies, floor 1 young, margaret levine,levine, john r idg books, san mateo, calif., ©1993 internet
Shelf No : 7
 Que's computer & Internet dictionary
que's computer & internet dictionary, floor 1 pfaffenberger, bryan new delhi : prentice-hall of india, 2002 computer science--dictionary,internet dictionary
Shelf No : 7
Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours
teach yourself the internet in 24 hours, floor 1 snell, ned indianapolis, ind.,sams pub., ©2000 internet

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Boosting immunity : creating wellness naturally / Len Saputo, Nancy Faass, editors.

Shelf No: 9

Introduction to hydrogeology

Shelf No: 4

 A childhood adrift / René Goldman.

Shelf No: 3

 Auditing : incorporating companies (amendment) act, 2000

Shelf No: 18

 Wisdom of aging / Dora Obi Chizea

Shelf No: 10

The U.S. military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake : considerations for Army leaders / Gary Cecchine ... [et al.].

Shelf No: 19

African report on child wellbeing

Shelf No: 1

Ethiopian tax accounting : principles and practice.

Shelf No: 7

Using sources effectively : strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism

Shelf No: 1

 Infectious disease : medical knowledge self-assessment program, MKSAP 15

Shelf No: 9

User' s guide : peachtree complete & peachtree complete plus : release 6

Shelf No: 14

Fifty year of fiscal federalism

Shelf No: 17


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