Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
  • Reference
  • Computer Science
  • Philosophy And Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Languages
  • Natural Science
  • Technology
  • Art And Creation
  • Literature
  • History And Geography
  • Elementary And High School Text Books
Shelf No : 17
Electronic Commerce and International Private Law
electronic commerce and international private law, floor 1 gillies, lorna e. electronic contracts. consumer protection--law and legislation. electronic contracts. consumer protection--law and legislation. electronic commerce--law and legislation. conflict of laws--contracts.
Shelf No : 16
The standout business plan : make it irresistible, and get the funds you need for your startup or growing business
the standout business plan : make it irresistible, and get the funds you need for your startup or growing business, floor 2 evans, vaughan. new york : amacom--american management association, [2014] business planning.
Shelf No : 17
The American economy we need : --and won't get from the Republicans or the Democrats
the american economy we need : --and won't get from the republicans or the democrats, floor 1 anderson, john b united states--economic policy--1981-1993. united states--economic policy--1981-1993.
Shelf No : 12
Water supply and pollution control
water supply and pollution control, floor 2 clark, john w. (john william) new york : iep--dun-donnelley, harper & row, c1977. water-supply.,sewage.
Shelf No : 19
Methodology of educational research
methodology of educational research, floor 1 koul, lokesh education--research education--research
Shelf No : 6
Geronimo : Apache freedom fighter
geronimo : apache freedom fighter, floor 4 hermann, spring apache indians--kings and rulers apache indians--kings and rulers
Shelf No : 5
Directory of African Mycology
directory of african mycology, floor 2 "buyck, b,hennebert, g. l mucl--mycothèque de l'université catholique de louvain, louvain-la-neuve [belgium], 1994
Shelf No : 13
uprising, floor 1 jah, yusuf;,jah, shah'keyah; ice-t california--los angeles california--los angeles
Shelf No : 16
Managing Construction Projects
managing construction projects, floor 2 austen, a. d. construction industry--management construction industry--management
Shelf No : 10
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea
pediatric obstructive sleep apnea, floor 2 carr, michele m.,hayward, geoffrey american academy of otolaryngology--head and neck surgery foundation, alexandria, va, 2007 sleep apnea syndromes in children
Shelf No : 19
The State of the world's children.
the state of the world's children., floor 1 grant, james p. children--health and hygiene children--health and hygiene
Shelf No : 17
 Hand book on food industries
hand book on food industries, floor 1 bhatia, s. c,arora, s. m. small industry research institute, delhi, [19--] canning and preserving
Shelf No : 17
New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2010: Introductory
new perspectives on microsoft project 2010: introductory, floor 2 bunin, rachel biheller project management--computer programs project management--computer programs
Shelf No : 20
Neighborhoods and Communities
neighborhoods and communities, floor 1 hyder, bobbie p.,brown, carolyn s. social sciences--study and teaching (primary) social sciences
Shelf No : 13
Chilton's auto service manual 2003 edition.
chilton's auto service manual 2003 edition., floor 2 chilton book company. automotive editorial department automobiles--maintenance and repair automobiles--maintenance and repair
Shelf No : 17
Time for action
time for action, floor 1 ramphal, s. s. the press--university of the west indies, kingston, jamaica, 1993 social conditions
Shelf No : 1
The Blue Nile
the blue nile, floor 4 moorehead, alan, africa--blue nile river africa africa blue nile river
Shelf No : 21
A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms , floor 1 devlin, joseph english language--synonyms and antonyms english language--synonyms and antonyms
Shelf No : 7
A guide to programming in level II BASIC
a guide to programming in level ii basic, floor 1 presley, bruce trs-80 computers--programming trs-80 computers--programming
Shelf No : 19
Cultural Diversity
cultural diversity, floor 1 diller, jerry v. brooks/cole--thomson learning, belmont, ca, ©2004 minorities--services for
Shelf No : 13
Searching for Peace in Africa
searching for peace in africa, floor 1 mekenkamp, monique political violence--prevention political violence--prevention
Shelf No : 1
Random House Webster's college thesaurus
random house webster's college thesaurus, ground floor random house (firm) english language--synonyms and antonyms english language--synonyms and antonyms
Shelf No : 19
50 Ways You Can be Pro-life
50 ways you can be pro-life, floor 1 campolo, anthony,aeschliman, gordon d. social service--religious aspects--christianity social service--religious aspects--christianity
Shelf No : 3
Prentice Hall science explorer : Astronomy
prentice hall science explorer : astronomy, floor 2 padilla, michael j,/et...al/ science--study and teaching (middle school) science--study and teaching (middle school)
Shelf No : 9
knightfall, floor 1 merritt, davis amacom--american management association, new york, ©2005 press and politics
Shelf No : 17
Financial Regulation in the Global Economy
financial regulation in the global economy, floor 1 herring, richard,litan, robert e. banks and banking--state supervision banks and banking--state supervision
Shelf No : 1
The rainbow of rhythms : folk art tradition of Orissa
the rainbow of rhythms : folk art tradition of orissa, floor 3 mahapatra, sitakant, prafulla ; mehras--the world of books, jagatsinghpur, orissa, kolkata, 2005 performing arts,india--odisha
Shelf No : 1
 The rainbow of rhythms : folk art tradition of Orissa
the rainbow of rhythms : folk art tradition of orissa, floor 3 mahapatra, sitakant, prafulla ; mehras--the world of books, jagatsinghpur, orissa, kolkata, 2005 performing arts,india--odisha
Shelf No : 17
The Wealth of Communities
the wealth of communities, floor 1 pye-smith, charlie,borrini, grazia,sandbrook, richard natural resources--management natural resources--management
Shelf No : 15
A History of International Political Theory
a history of international political theory, floor 1 behr, hartmut international relations--philosophy international relations--philosophy
Shelf No : 14
ACCA Advanced Taxation FA2018
acca advanced taxation fa2018, floor 2 bpp learning media tax accounting--examinations tax accounting--examinations
Shelf No : 18
Troubleshooting and Repairing Computer Printers
troubleshooting and repairing computer printers, floor 2 bigelow, stephen j. computer printers--maintenance and repair computer printers--maintenance and repair
Shelf No : 7
Biomechanics VII-A
biomechanics vii-a, floor 2 international congress of biomechanics, adam morecki university park press ; pwn--polish scientific publishers, baltimore, md., warszawa, poland, ©1981 biomechanics
Shelf No : 7
Mistress of Animals
mistress of animals, floor 1 karen myers --
Shelf No : 13
Pulses in Ethiopia their taxonomy and agricultural significance
pulses in ethiopia their taxonomy and agricultural significance, floor 2 e. westphal --,centre for agricultural pub. and documentation, wageningen, 1974 ethiopia
Shelf No : 5
OCR Gateway GCSE Biology Student Book
ocr gateway gcse biology student book, floor 2 locke, jo -- biology--examinations
Shelf No : 9
Coping with Thrush
coping with thrush, floor 2 caroline clayton -- candidiasis
Shelf No : 17
outrageous!, floor 2 gross, t. scott outrageous! : unforgettable service--guilt-free selling selling,customer services
Shelf No : 3
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics for Engineers
introduction to continuum mechanics for engineers, floor 2 bowen, ray m. --,dover publications, mineola, n.y., 2009 continuum mechanics
Shelf No : 2
Geometry and Convexity : a study in mathematical methods.
geometry and convexity : a study in mathematical methods., floor 2 kelly, paul j. --,dover publications, mineola, n.y., 2009 convex bodies
Shelf No : 6
Introductory radio and television electronics
introductory radio and television electronics, floor 2 johnson, james j,fletcher, brian d --,macmillan, basingstoke, ©1997 television transimiter,rdaio electronics
Shelf No : 13
 Not in our genes : biology, ideology, and human nature
not in our genes : biology, ideology, and human nature, floor 1 kamin, leon j,lewontin, richard, 1929-2021,rose, steven p. r. 1938 -- nature and nurture--political aspects
Shelf No : 15
Management and Organisational Behaviour
management and organisational behaviour, floor 2 mullins, laurie j. --,prentice hall/financial times, harlow, england, 2005 bank management,organizational behaveaior,organizational effective
Shelf No : 1
Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
handbook of air conditioning and refrigeration, ground floor wang, shan k. -- refrigeration and refrigerating machinery,air conditioning
Shelf No : 4
Prentice Hall Chemistry
prentice hall chemistry, floor 2 lemay, h. eugene -- chemistry--study and teaching (secondary)
Shelf No : 7
The New York Times Book of Women's Health
the new york times book of women's health, floor 2 brody, jane e. women--health and hygiene,lebhar-friedman books, new york, ©2000 women--health and hygiene
Shelf No : 3
Atomic & Molecular Symmetry Groups and Chemistry
atomic & molecular symmetry groups and chemistry, floor 2 rakshit, s. c. -- molecular theory
Shelf No : 1
Higher Engineering Mathematics
higher engineering mathematics, floor 2 bird, j. o. --,taylor and francis engineering mathematics
Shelf No : 1
 Science interactions
science interactions, floor 2 aldridge, bill g.; [et-al] science--study and teaching (elementary) science--study and teaching (elementary)
Shelf No : 8
C++ how to Program
c++ how to program, floor 1 deitel, harvey m., --,upper saddle river, nj : prentice hall, c1998. c++ (computer program language)
Shelf No : 21
Modern English in Action [Level 8]: Text
modern english in action [level 8]: text, floor 1 henry irvine christ,jerome carlin --
Shelf No : 8
Database System Concepts
database system concepts, floor 1 abraham silberschatz,henry f. korth,s. sudarshan --
Shelf No : 11
Overcoming Low Self-Esteem
overcoming low self-esteem, floor 1 melanie fennell -- self-esteem
Shelf No : 18
Contract Law
contract law, floor 1 ruff, anne r. --,sweet & maxwell, london, 2011 contracts
Shelf No : 20
Early years education and care: new issues for practice from research
early years education and care: new issues for practice from research, floor 1 susan hay --,publisher:routledge, london, 2015 child care
Shelf No : 8
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
microsoft powerpoint 2013, floor 1 rutkosky, nita hewitt; roggenkamp, audrey; rutkosky, ian -- microsoft powerpoint (computer file)
Shelf No : 7
Information Technology
information technology, floor 1 knott, geoffrey; waites, nick --,business education publisher
Shelf No : 15
Microeconomic Theory
microeconomic theory, floor 1 mas-colell, andreu; whinston, michael dennis; green, jerry r. --,oxford university press
Shelf No : 7
Fundamentals of Database Systems
fundamentals of database systems, floor 1 elmasri, ramez; --,addison-wesley
Shelf No : 9
MCTS Self-paced Training Kit (exam 70-445)
mcts self-paced training kit (exam 70-445), floor 1 veerman, erik, --,microsoft press
Shelf No : 7
Artificial Intelligence
artificial intelligence, floor 1 russell --,pearson prentice hall agent intelligent
Shelf No : 7
Maths Skills for GCSE Computer Science
maths skills for gcse computer science, floor 1 alison page --
Shelf No : 8
Fundamentals of Database Systems
fundamentals of database systems, floor 1 elmasri, ramez --

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

Shelf No: 14

Disney Princess Story Collection

Shelf No: 21


Shelf No: 15

Good Queen Bess

Shelf No: 3


Shelf No: 5


Shelf No: 4

Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

Shelf No: 1

How do dinosaurs go up and down

Shelf No: 21

A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

Shelf No: 2

The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

Shelf No: 2

A Cheese-colored Camper

Shelf No: 2

The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

Shelf No: 3

Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia / A. Bongwa.

Shelf No: 7

Macroeconomics : an open economy approach / Eric J. Pentecost.

Shelf No: 18

 Introduction to law / Atul Motilal Setalvad

Shelf No: 18

AS pure mathematics

Shelf No: 1

Administrative law / Mohamed Abdo.

Shelf No: 18

Human Resource Management

Shelf No: 16

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill math

Shelf No: 1

Company Law

Shelf No: 18

The Origin Of Humankind

Shelf No: 5

 A Survival Guide for Fractions, Percentages and Decimals

Shelf No: 2

Desktop publishing. Stages II and III / Sharon Spencer

Shelf No: 9

Evaluating the Quality of Learning: the SOLO taxonomy (structure of the observed learning outcome)

Shelf No: 19


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