Available Books

These are the available books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

  • Ethiopian Collection
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Shelf No : 16
Simple Ways to bring out the best in your employees
simple ways to bring out the best in your employees, floor 2 batra, promod. new delhi : think, 2004. employee motivation.,personnel management.,performance--management.
Shelf No : 16
Coaching for Improved Work Performance, Revised Edition
coaching for improved work performance, revised edition, floor 2 fournies, ferdinand f. new york : mcgraw hill, c2000. personnel management. employees--coaching of. achievement motivation.
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management : strategy & action
human resource management : strategy & action, floor 2 armstrong, michael london : kogan page,1992 personnel management.,personnel direction
Shelf No : 18
Human resource management in public service : paradoxes, processes, and problems
human resource management in public service : paradoxes, processes, and problems, floor 1 berman evan m... [et al.]. los angeles : sage publications, 2010. civil service--personnel management.
Shelf No : 16
Performance appraisal: expert solutions to everyday challenges.
performance appraisal: expert solutions to everyday challenges., floor 2 boston, mass. : harvard business press, c2009. personnel management.
Shelf No : 4
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
the 4 disciplines of execution, floor 4 chris mcchesney new york : simon & schuster, 2021. ©2021 goal setting in personnel management. goal (psychology)
Shelf No : 16
An Introduction to Human Resource Management
an introduction to human resource management, floor 2 stredwick, john. boston : butterworth-heinemann, 2000. personnel management.
Shelf No : 16
Goal setting : a motivational technique that works!
goal setting : a motivational technique that works! , floor 2 locke, edwin a. englewood cliffs, nj : prentice-hall, c1984. goal setting in personnel management.
Shelf No : 18
Supervision for success in government : a practical guide for first line managers
supervision for success in government : a practical guide for first line managers, floor 1 lee, dalton s san francisco : jossey-bass, c1994. civil service--personnel management.
Shelf No : 16
The 77 traits of highly successful people : how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results
the 77 traits of highly successful people : how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results, floor 2 foo, mark. []s.l. : s.l. , n.d. personnel management.
Shelf No : 18
Public Personnel Management and Public Policy
public personnel management and public policy, floor 1 dresang, dennis l. new york : longman, c1991. civil service--personnel management.
Shelf No : 16
Corporate resurgence and the new employment relationships : after the reckoning / Elmer H. Burack
corporate resurgence and the new employment relationships : after the reckoning / elmer h. burack, floor 2 burack, elmer h. westport, conn. : quorum books, 1993 personnel management. organizational change.
Shelf No : 16
The 1995 annual
the 1995 annual, floor 2 pfeiffer, j. william pfeiffer & co., san diego, 1995 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Managing and Leading People
managing and leading people, floor 2 rayner, charlotte chartered institute of personnel and development, london, 2005 personnel management
Shelf No : 6
Human resource management : gaining a competitive advantage
human resource management : gaining a competitive advantage, floor 2 noe, raymond a irwin, chicago, ©1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 17
What makes them tick? : exploring the anatomy of major microenterprise finance organizations
what makes them tick? : exploring the anatomy of major microenterprise finance organizations, floor 1 rhyne, elisabeth accion international, cambridge, ma, [1994] small business--finance,financial institutions--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Total quality : success through people
total quality : success through people, floor 2 collard, ron, 1935- institute of personnel management, london, 1993 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel management
personnel management, floor 2 flippo, edwin b. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1980 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Personnel management : theory and practice
personnel management : theory and practice, floor 2 cole, gerald a dp publishing, london, 1993 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Contemporary Human Resource Management
contemporary human resource management, floor 2 redman, tom, financial times prentice hall, new york, 2001 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel management and industrial relations
personnel management and industrial relations, floor 2 davar, rustom s vikas pub. house, new delhi, 1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Staff Management
staff management, floor 2 betts, p. w. macdonald and evans, plymouth, 1977 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 phillips, jean, 1969- south-western, mason, ohio, 2014 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 ivancevich, john m mcgraw-hill/irwin, new york, ©2004 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Introduction to Human Resource Management: theory and practice
introduction to human resource management: theory and practice, floor 2 maund, linda. houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire ; new york : palgrave, ©2001. personnel management.
Shelf No : 19
Healthcare Human Resource Management
healthcare human resource management, floor 1 flynn, walter j. [et-al.] cengage learning, boston, ma, usa, 2016 health facilities--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
The human side of enterprise
the human side of enterprise, floor 2 mcgregor, douglas mcgraw-hill, new york, 1960 personnel management
Shelf No : 15
Keys to employee success in coming decades
keys to employee success in coming decades, floor 2 quorum, westport, conn., 1999 business & economics human resources & personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Managing human resources
managing human resources, floor 2 gomez-mejia, luis r,cardy, robert l.,balkin, david b pearson, boston, ©2012 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 mathis, robert l. south-western college pub., cincinnati, ohio, ©2000 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Strategic Human Resource Development : Concepts and Practices
strategic human resource development : concepts and practices, floor 2 prasad, kesho phi learning, new delhi, 2012 manpower planning,personnel management
Shelf No : 15
Staff in organization
staff in organization, floor 2 dale, ernest, mcgraw-hill, new york, 1960 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Fundamentals of senior management: introduction
fundamentals of senior management: introduction, floor 2 open university b713/introduction open university, milton keynes, ©2005 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
personnel management and industrial relations, floor 2 yoder, dale,,staudohar, paul d prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1982 personnel management
Shelf No : 13
Making management development work : achieving success in the nineties
making management development work : achieving success in the nineties, floor 2 margerison, charles j. mcgraw-hill, london, ©1991 assessment centers (personnel management procedure)
Shelf No : 16
 A handbook of human resource management
a handbook of human resource management, floor 2 armstrong, michael, nichols pub. co., new york, ny, 1988 personnel direction personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Competencies in Action
competencies in action, floor 2 weightman, jane institute of personnel and development, london, 1994 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Handbook of personnel management and labor relations
handbook of personnel management and labor relations, floor 2 : yoder, dale, mcgraw-hill, new york, 1958 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel : a diagnostic approach
personnel : a diagnostic approach, floor 2 glueck, william f.,milkovich, george t. business publications, dallas, 1976, ©1974 heading usage count fast id personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Supervisory management : the art of working with and through people
supervisory management : the art of working with and through people, floor 2 mosley, donald c., 1932,megginson, leon c,pietri, paul h. south-western pub. co., cincinnati, ©1985 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
personnel management and industrial relations, floor 2 yoder, dale prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., ©1956 personnel management,industrial relations
Shelf No : 17
Global Cities at Work
global cities at work, floor 1 wills jane pluto press, england, 2010 personnel management
Shelf No : 21
Human Capital Management for the USAF Cyber Force
human capital management for the usaf cyber force, floor 1 scott, lynn m. rand, santa monica, ca, 2010 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Management of human resources
management of human resources, floor 2 pigors, paul;,malm, f. t;,myers, charles a. mcgraw-hill, new york, [©1969] personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Dictionary of personnel management and labor relation
dictionary of personnel management and labor relation, floor 2 shafritz, jay m. moore pub. co., oak park, ill., ©1980 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Strategic human resource management
strategic human resource management, floor 2 greer, charles r. prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., ©2001 personnel management
Shelf No : 6
Management development : strategies for action
management development : strategies for action, floor 2 mumford, alan; institute of personnel management; chartered institute of personnel and development; gold, jeffrey, 1955- institute of personnel and development, london, 1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Management development : strategies for action
management development : strategies for action, floor 2 mumford, alan; institute of personnel management; chartered institute of personnel and development; gold, jeffrey, 1955- institute of personnel and development, london, 1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Employee Training and Development
employee training and development, floor 2 noe, raymond a mcgraw-hill/irwin, boston, ©2002 employees--training of,personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel management : theory and practice
personnel management : theory and practice, floor 2 cole, gerald a letts educational, london, 1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Experiential exercises in Canadian personnel administration
experiential exercises in canadian personnel administration, floor 2 olga l. crocker,brian meisner methuen, toronto, c1986 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management : an experiential approach
human resource management : an experiential approach, floor 2 bernardin, h. john,russell, joyce e. a. mcgraw-hill/irwin, boston, mass., ©2003 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
mastering business in asia: human resource management, floor 2 ohtaki, reiji,bucknall, hugh john wiley & sons (asia), singapore, 2005 personnel management asia
Shelf No : 16
Mary Kay on people management
mary kay on people management, floor 2 ash mary kay warner books, new york, n.y., ©1984 cosmetics industry personnel management
Shelf No : 20
 Applying the Deming method to higher education : for more effective human resource management
applying the deming method to higher education : for more effective human resource management, floor 1 miller, richard i. college and university personnel association, washington, d.c., ©1991 college personnel management
Shelf No : 15
Managing Today!
managing today!, floor 2 robbins, stephen p. prentice hall, upper saddle river, nj, ©2000 management--organizational effectiveness,personnel management
Shelf No : 10
Personnel Psychology
personnel psychology, floor 1 muchinsky, paul m.,kriek, h. j.,schreuder, a. m. g. oxford university press southern africa, cape town, ©2005 psychology, industrial,personnel management--organizational behavior
Shelf No : 16
Personnel Psychology
personnel psychology, floor 2 melinde coetzee(ed),a. m. g. schreuder(ed) oxford university press southern africa, cape town, 2010 personnel management
Shelf No : 18
The Fundamentals of Public Personnel Management
the fundamentals of public personnel management, floor 1 cheminais, j. juta, kenwyn, 1998 civil service--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
applied psychology in human resource management, floor 2 wayne f. cascio,herman aguinis pearson, harlow, ©2011 personnel management--psychological aspects
Shelf No : 16
Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management
applied psychology in human resource management, floor 2 cascio, wayne f,aguinis, herman pearson prentice hall, upper saddle river, n.j., cop. 2005 personnel management--psychological aspects
Shelf No : 19
Supervision: A Redefinition
supervision: a redefinition, floor 1 sergiovanni, thomas j.,starratt, robert j. mcgraw-hill, boston, ma, 2007 school personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resources Management
human resources management, floor 2 gerber, p. d(etal) oxford university press southern africa, cape town, 2008 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
The Personnel Function
the personnel function, floor 2 andrews, yvonne haum : kagiso tertiary, pretoria, 1988 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
International human resource management /
international human resource management / , floor 2 pinnington, ashly,[edited by] anne-wil harzing and ashly h. pinnnington. sage, london, cop. 2011,los angeles : sage, c2011. international business enterprises--personnel management,personnel management.
Shelf No : 16
Employer Branding For Dummies
employer branding for dummies, floor 2 mosley, richard john wiley & sons, hoboken, nj, 2017 employees--recruiting,personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel Management
personnel management, floor 2 torrington, derek, 1931- prentice hall, london, 1995 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Dedication : the Huawei philosophy of human resource management
dedication : the huawei philosophy of human resource management, floor 2 weiwei huang lid publishing limited, london, 2016 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Managing human resources
managing human resources, floor 2 sherman, arthur w. south-western pub. co., cincinnati, ©1988 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Strategic human resource management : an international perspective
strategic human resource management : an international perspective, floor 2 gary rees (editor),paul smith (editor) sage publications ltd, london, 2017 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Fundamentals of human resource management
fundamentals of human resource management, floor 2 noe, raymond a.;,gerhart, barry a.;,hollenbeck, john r.;,wright, patrick m. mcgraw-hill education, new york, ny, 2018 personnel management
Shelf No : 6
Supervision in the hospitality industry
supervision in the hospitality industry, floor 2 jack e. miller, john r. walker john wiley, hoboken, n.j., ©2012 hospitality industry--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 schoenfeldt, lyle f.,shaw, james b.,fisher, cynthia d. houghton mifflin co., boston, ©2006 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 mathis, robert l.,(etal) thomson/south-western, mason, ohio, ©2006 personnel management
Shelf No : 6
Hospitality human resources management and supervision
hospitality human resources management and supervision, floor 2 national restaurant association (u.s.) pearson education, boston, ©2013 hospitality industry--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 ivancevich, john m. irwin mcgraw hill, boston, ©1998 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Developing Human Resources
developing human resources, floor 2 thomson, rosemary,mabey, christopher butterworth heinemann, oxford, 1994 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Applications in human resource management
applications in human resource management, floor 2 nkomo, stella m., thomson/south-western, mason, ohio, ©2005 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Applications in human resource management
applications in human resource management, floor 2 nkomo, stella m., thomson/south-western, mason, ohio, ©2005 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management
human resource management, floor 2 bolton, trevor blackwell publishers, oxford, uk personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel/human resource management : principles and practices
personnel/human resource management : principles and practices, floor 2 krishna, g. r.;,aquinas, p. g. authorspress, new delhi, ©2004 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
South African human resource management: theory and practice
south african human resource management: theory and practice, floor 2 swanepoel, ben,schenk, heinz,erasmus, barney juta, cape town, 2008 personnel management
Shelf No : 6
Managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits
managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits, floor 2 cascio, wayne f. tata mcgraw hill private ltd., new delhi, 2013 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel management
personnel management, floor 2 flippo, edwin b. mcgraw-hill, new york, ©1984 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Personnel Management
personnel management, floor 2 monappa, arun tata mcgraw-hill, 1996 personnel management
Shelf No : 15
The Portable MBA
the portable mba, floor 2 collins, eliza g. c. j. wiley, new york, ©1990 marketing,personnel management,accounting
Shelf No : 16
Strategy and human resources : a general managerial perspective
strategy and human resources : a general managerial perspective, floor 2 greer, charles r. pearson education.,©2001 personnel management,strategic planning
Shelf No : 16
Organizational behavior
organizational behavior, floor 2 robbins, stephen p. prentice hall india, ©1989 organizational behavior,personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management
human resource management, floor 2 noe, raymond a.,gerhart, barry a. mcgraw-hill/irwin, new york, ©2013 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
How to Measure Human Resource Management
how to measure human resource management, floor 2 fitz-enz, jac,davison, barbara mcgraw-hill, new york, ©2002 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Personnel/human resource management
personnel/human resource management, floor 2 herbert g. heneman irwin, homewood, il, 1987 personnel management--data processing
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management
human resource management, floor 2 editor: beardwell, ian;,editor: holden, len; pitman publishing, london, 1997 personnel management
Shelf No : 14
Administrative office management
administrative office management, floor 2 kallaus, norman francis;,keeling, b. lewis south-western pub. co., cincinnati, ©1988 office management,personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage
human resource management: a managerial tool for competitive advantage , floor 2 kleiman, lawrence s. atomic dog pub., cincinnati, ©2004 personnel management,management
Shelf No : 6
Computers in business management : an introduction
computers in business management : an introduction, floor 2 o'brien, james a r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1976.(1975) business--data processing,personnel management--data processing
Shelf No : 15
Computers in business management : an introduction
computers in business management : an introduction, floor 2 o'brien, james a r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1976.(1975) business--data processing,personnel management--data processing
Shelf No : 16
Strategic Human Resource Management
strategic human resource management, floor 2 mabey, christopher blackwell business, oxford, 1995 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 ivancevich, john m. mcgraw-hill/irwin personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 mathis, robert l.,jackson, john h.,valentine, sean r. west pub. co., minneapolis, ©1994 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
 Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 ivancevich, john m. irwin mcgraw hill, boston, ©1998 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management
human resource management, floor 2 mondy, r. wayne, pearson prentice hall personnel management
Shelf No : 16
strategic human resource development, floor 2 kandula, srinivas r phi learning pvt ltd, new delhi, 2004 personnel management,manpower planning
Shelf No : 16
South African human resource management : theory and practice
south african human resource management : theory and practice, floor 2 swanepoel, be publisher:juta & co., lansdowne, 2003 personnel management--data processing,organizational change
Shelf No : 16
Human resource management
human resource management, floor 2 byars, lloyd l.,rue, leslie w. mcgraw-hill, boston, ©2004 personnel management--data processing
Shelf No : 16
Human resource and personnel management: text and cases
human resource and personnel management: text and cases, floor 2 aswathappa, k tata mcgraw-hill pub., new delhi, ©2002 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Management
human resource management, floor 2 hendry, chris butterworth heinemann, oxford, 1995 personnel management
Shelf No : 16
International Human Resource Management
international human resource management, floor 2 harzing, anne-wil,pinnington, ashly sage publications limited international business enterprises--personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Strategies
human resource strategies, floor 2 salaman, graeme[editor] published in association with the open university, sage publications, london, 1992 personnel management--data processing
Shelf No : 16
The Schmuck in My Office
the schmuck in my office, floor 2 foster, jody,joy, michelle st. martin's press personnel management
Shelf No : 16
Human Resource Information Systems
human resource information systems, floor 2 kavanagh, michael j(ed) sage personnel management--data processing

Popular Books

These are the popular books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

The art of seduction

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Disney Princess Story Collection

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Smithsonian Kids Digging for Dinosaurs

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How do dinosaurs go up and down

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo

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The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton: Special Edition #2)

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A Cheese-colored Camper

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The magical gabi /written by Heldana Afework and edited by Essey Workie.

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Recent Books

These are the recent books in Abrehot Library. you can browse what you need and know the shelf number, read E-book and borrow.

A physics of possibilities : explore the world of quantum spirituality / Paul Levy.

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General comments or recommendations / adpted by United Nations Human Rights Treaty bodies.

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The National Institutes of Health

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Temperature : its measurement and control in science and industry :  proceedings of the Ninth International Temperature, Los Angeles, CA, 19-23 March 2012 / editor, Christopher W. Meyer.

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Braunwald's heart disease : a textbook of cardiovascular medicine / edited by Peter Libby ... [et al.]

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 Introducing Data Structures with Java / David Cousins.

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Henderson's Dictionary of Biological Terms

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One hundred English gardens : the best of English Heritage parks and gardens register

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A Short Course in Photography: an introduction to photographic technique

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