public relations,
floor 2
wilcox dennis l [etal]
boston : allyn and bacon, c2005.
public relations. public relations--united states.
successful public relations : using your charm,
floor 2
levine, michael.
new dehli : infinity books, 2005.
public relations.
leading the narrative,
floor 1
eder, mari k.
annapolis, md. : naval institute press, c2011.
united states. armed forces--public relations.
practice of public relations in africa : a compilation of papers presented at 2011 apra mombasa conference,
floor 2
kano [nigeria] : nadeem media consults ltd., 2012.
public relations africa congresses.
public relations practices : case studies,
floor 2
center, allen h,jackson, patrick
prentice-hall, englewood cliffs, n.j., [1975]
public relations
public relations : strategies and tactics,
floor 2
wilcox, dennis l.,ault, phillip h.,agee, warren kendall
harpercollins, new york, ny, ©1992
public relations
public relations: strategies and tactics,
floor 2
wilcox, dennis l.;,cameron, glen t.
pearson, harlow, essex, ©2015
public relations--study and teaching
public relations : a practical guide,
floor 2
coulson-thomas, colin
macdonald and evans, plymouth, 1979
public relations
practical public relations,
floor 2
practical public relations
pitman, london, 1976
public relations
public relations cases,
floor 2
hendrix, jerry a.;,hayes, darrell c.;,kumar, pallavi d.;
wadsworth pub. co., belmont, calif., ©1992
public relations united states case studies
public relations : strategies and tactics,
floor 2
wilcox, dennis l.,et al.
allyn & bacon, boston, ©2012
public relations
public relations theory,
floor 2
botan, carl h.
l. erlbaum associates, hillsdale, n.j., 1989
public relations
public relations for marketing professionals,
floor 2
haywood, roger,
macmillan business, houndmills, basingstoke, hampshire, 1998
public relations
assessing and evaluating department of defense efforts to inform, influence, and persuade,
floor 1
rand corporation, santa monica, calif., 2015
public relations
public relations,
floor 2
shirley harrison
routledge, london, 1995
public relations
dynamics of public relations and journalism,
floor 2
clear, annette; editor.
juta, claremont, 2011
public relations
this is pr: the realities of public relations,
floor 2
newsom, doug;,vanslyke turk, judy;,scott, alan,
wadsworth/thomson learning, belmont, ca, ©2004
public relations
public relations cases,
floor 2
hendrix, jerry a.
wadsworth pub. co., belmont, calif., ©1988
public relations
public relations in practice,
floor 2
gregory, anne (ed.)
kogan page, london, ©2004
public relations great britain
handbook of public relations,
floor 2
chris skinner
oxford university press southern africa, cape town, 2010
public relations
effective public relations,
floor 2
cutlip, scott m.,center, allen h.,broom, glen m.
prenctice hall, upper saddle river, nj, 2009
public relations
emily's reasons why not,
floor 3
gerlach, carrie
avon trade, new york, ny, ©2004
women public relations personnel
the art of public relations : top pr practitioners reveal the secrets of successful public relations,
floor 2
ceo of leadign pr firms
vision books, new delhi, 2004
public relations
strategic public relations management : planning and managing effective communication programs ,
floor 2
austin, erica weintraub
lawrence erlbaum associates, mahwah, n.j., 2001
public relations
handbook of media & public relations,
floor 2
ridgway, judith
infinity books, new delhi, 2001
public relations,mass media and business
public relations writing and media techniques,
floor 3
wilcox, dennis l,nolte, lawrence w,reber, bryan h.
allyn & bacon/pearson education, boston, 2009
public relations--authorship
sweet home carolina,
floor 3
ocean, t. lynn
thomas dunne books, new york, 2006
women public relations personnel
think public relations,
floor 2
wilcox, dennis l.
allyn & bacon, boston, ©2011
public relations
result oriented marketing communications,
floor 2
anderson, alan h.
beacon books, new delhi, 1998
public relations,communication in marketing
public relations : strategies and tactics,
floor 2
wilcox, dennis l
harper & row, new york, ©1986
public relations
public relations: the profession and the practice,
floor 2
baskin, otis w.,lattimore, dan
mcgraw-hill, new york, 2011
public relations
practical public relations,
floor 2
black, sam
pitman, london, 1976
public relations
effective public relations 2nd ed. (biztantra),
floor 2
shelburne, merry, cincinnati, oh, ©2001
public relations--management
floor 2
witzel, morgen
penguin portfolio, new delhi
public relations
public relations,
floor 2
wilcox dennis l.; cameron glen t.
pearson education, boston, ma., ©2007
public relations
managing outside pressure,
floor 2
winter, matthias; steger, ulrich
j. wiley, chichester [england], ©1998
corporations--public relations
public relations; principles, cases, and problems,,
floor 2
moore, h. frazier
r.d. irwin, homewood, ill., 1981
public relations
key concepts in public relations,
floor 2
bob franklin/
sage publications
public relations
public relations in practice,
floor 2
gregory, anne
kogan page, london, 2004
public relations